If you need more information about the context of a sentence, write to: <deepdaikon@tuta.io>

Don't translate strings like "%s", "{{hero}}", "{{user-name}}". They are replaced by in-game variables.

Translation status

23 Strings 100% Translate
467 Words 100%

Other components

Component Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
UI This component is linked to the Xeonjia/Story repository. GPL-3.0
Story GPL-3.0

Translation Information

Project website gitlab.com/DeepDaikon/Xeonjia
Translation process
  • Translations can be made directly.
  • Translation suggestions can be made.
  • Any authenticated user can contribute.
  • The translation uses monolingual files.
  • The translation base language is editable.
Translation license GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
Source code repository https://gitlab.com/DeepDaikon/Xeonjia.git
Repository branch master
Last remote commit locale: translate using Weblate 6116ba7
Weblate authored 3 weeks ago
Weblate repository https://translate.deepdaikon.xyz/git/xeonjia/story/
Filemask fastlane/metadata/android/*
Monolingual base language file fastlane/metadata/android/en-US
Translation file fastlane/metadata/android/it-IT
User avatar None

Resource update

Xeonjia / MetadataItalian

Resource update 3 months ago
User avatar None

Resource update

Xeonjia / MetadataItalian

Resource update 6 months ago
User avatar deepdaikon

New translation

Xeonjia / MetadataItalian

* Update translations
* Bug fixes
* Aggiornate traduzioni
* Risolti bug
a year ago
User avatar None

New string to translate

Xeonjia / MetadataItalian

New string to translate a year ago
User avatar None

Resource update

Xeonjia / MetadataItalian

Resource update a year ago
User avatar deepdaikon

Translation changed

Xeonjia / MetadataItalian

<b>Xeonjia</b> is an <b>adventure game</b> set in a <b>frozen world</b>.

The floor is frozen! Think carefully about your moves because you can't change direction until you meet an obstacle.
Use you mind to solve the ice slide puzzles!

The world has been frozen by the <b>“King of Evil”</b> and it’s no longer a safe place.

Legend has it that a brave hero will defeat the King of Evil and save the kingdom… For this reason every year a person is appointed as “hero” and sent on a journey to try to save it.

Now it's your time, <b>you have been chosen as this year’s hero!</b> Will you be able to defeat the King of Evil?

You will have to travel the world, explore cities, dungeons and mystical caves.

<b>Are you ready to solve quests and puzzles in this frozen RPG world?</b>

Over time, you will gain experience points that will allow you to increase your level and you will find money and hidden treasures that you can use to buy stuff and improve yourself.

Be careful, the world is full of <b>dangerous enemies</b> ready to attack you!

Keep in mind that most of <b>the floor is frozen</b>, so you can’t stop yourself until you reach a wall, a boulder, or any other type of obstacle.

<b>Use your mind to figure out the best path!</b>
<b>Xeonjia</b> è un <b>gioco d'avventura</b> ambientato in un <b>mondo ghiacciato</b>.

Il pavimento è ghiaccio! Pensa bene alle tue mosse perché non puoi cambiare direzione finché non incontri un ostacolo.
Usa la tua mente per risolvere i puzzle scivolando sul ghiaccio!

Il mondo è stato ghiacciato dal <b>“Re del Male”</b> e non è più un posto sicuro.

Leggenda narra che un coraggioso eroe sconfiggerà il Re del Male e salverà il regno... Per questo ogni anno una persona viene nominata “eroe” e inviata in viaggio per cercare di salvarlo.

Ora è il tuo momento, <b>sei stato scelto come eroe di quest'anno!</b> Riuscirai a sconfiggere il Re del Male?

Dovrai viaggiare per il mondo, esplorare città, dungeon e grotte mistiche.

<b>Sei pronto a risolvere missioni ed enigmi in questo mondo RPG ghiacciato?</b>

Con il tempo, guadagnerai punti esperienza che ti permetteranno di incrementare il tuo livello e troverai monete e tesori nascosti che potrai usare per acquistare oggetti utili per la tua avventura.

Fai attenzione perché il mondo è pieno di <b>creature pericolose</b> pronte ad attaccarti!

Tieni a mente che gran parte del <b>pavimento è ghiacciato</b>, scivolerai senza poterti fermare se non andando addosso ad un muro, ad una roccia o ad un qualunque altro ostacolo.

<b>Ragiona e pensa bene ogni movimento: cerca di trovare il percorso migliore!</b>

<b>Nota</b>: questo gioco è attualmente in versione beta.
a year ago
User avatar deepdaikon

Translation changed

Xeonjia / MetadataItalian

Save the world by solving ice puzzles and defeating enemies!
Salva il mondo risolvendo puzzle glaciali e sconfiggendo tutti i nemici.!
a year ago
User avatar None

New strings to translate

Xeonjia / MetadataItalian

New strings to translate a year ago
User avatar None

Resource update

Xeonjia / MetadataItalian

Resource update a year ago
User avatar None

Source string changed

Xeonjia / MetadataItalian

<b>Xeonjia</b> is an <b>adventure game</b> set in a <b>frozen world</b>.

The floor is frozen! Think carefully about your moves because you can't change direction until you meet an obstacle.
Use you mind to solve the ice slide puzzles!

The world has been frozen by the <b>“King of Evil”</b> and it’s no longer a safe place.

Legend has it that a brave hero will defeat the King of Evil and save the kingdom… For this reason every year a person is appointed as “hero” and sent on a journey to try to save it.

Now it's your time, <b>you have been chosen as this year’s hero!</b> Will you be able to defeat the King of Evil?

You will have to travel the world, explore cities, dungeons and mystical caves.

<b>Are you ready to solve quests and puzzles in this frozen RPG world?</b>

Over time, you will gain experience points that will allow you to increase your level and you will find money and hidden treasures that you can use to buy stuff and improve yourself.

Be careful, the world is full of <b>dangerous enemies</b> ready to attack you!

Keep in mind that most of <b>the floor is frozen</b>, so you can’t stop yourself until you reach a wall, a boulder, or any other type of obstacle.

<b>Use your mind to figure out the best path!</b>

<b>Note</b>: this game is currently in early beta stage.
a year ago
Browse all translation changes


Percent Strings Words Chars
Total 23 467 2,553
Translated 100% 23 467 2,553
Needs editing 0% 0 0 0
Failing checks 0% 0 0 0

Last activity

Last change Jan. 13, 2024, 1:48 p.m.
Last author deepdaikon

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