Translation status

18 Strings 100% Translate
488 Words 100%

Other components

Component Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
Strings GPL-3.0

Translation Information

Project website
Project maintainers User avatar deepdaikon
Translation process
  • Translations can be made directly.
  • Translation suggestions can be made.
  • Any authenticated user can contribute.
  • The translation uses monolingual files.
  • The translation base language is editable.
Translation license GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
Source code repository
Repository branch master
Last remote commit locale: translate using Weblate 23768d8
Weblate authored 2 months ago
Weblate repository
Filemask fastlane/metadata/android/*
Monolingual base language file fastlane/metadata/android/en-US
Translation file fastlane/metadata/android/es
User avatar None

Resource update

Zoysii / MetadataSpanish

Resource update 6 months ago
User avatar None

Resource update

Zoysii / MetadataSpanish

Resource update a year ago
User avatar deleted-89

Translation changed

Zoysii / MetadataSpanish

Zoysii is a simple logic game. You are the red tile on a square board and the aim is to delete almost every tile while trying to make the most points.

It's <b>so easy</b>!


‣ Single player: play a random match and try to get the most points.
‣ Multiplayer: play against your opponents and defeat them.
‣ Levels: use your mind to solve each level by deleting all the tiles.

<b>Main features:</b>

★ Multiplayer mode for up to 4 players on the same device
★ 70+ unique levels
★ 10+ numeral systems
★ Completely free
★ No Ads
★ Multiple languages
★ Minimalist design and dark mode


The rules may seem difficult at first glance but they are not.

Anyhow, the best way to learn is by playing! Levels mode is a good place to start.

1. You are the red tile on a square board.

2. Swipe horizontally or vertically to move.

3. When you move you reduce tiles value in the direction you are going.

- The amount of this reduction is equal to your starting point tile value.

- But if the value of a tile would be equal to 1 or 2, there will be an increase instead of a decrease.

- Negative numbers become positive.

- If the value of a tile becomes equal to zero, starting tile value becomes zero too. Tiles have been "Deleted".

4. You earn as many points as the value of the deleted tiles.

5. The aim is to delete almost every tile while trying to make the most points.

6. In multiplayer matches a player can win by deleting opponent's tile.
Zoysii es un juego de lógica simple. Tú eres la casilla roja en un tablero cuadrado y el objetivo es eliminar casi todas las casillas intentando conseguir el mayor número de puntos.

It'Es <b>so easymuy fácil</b>!


‣ Un jugador: play a random match and try to get the most pointjuega una partida aleatoria e intenta conseguir todos los puntos posibles.
‣ Multijugador: play against yourjuega contra tus opponentes and defeat them.
‣ Niveles: use your mind to solve each level by deleting all the tiles.

<b>Main features:</b>

★ Multiplayer mode for up to 4 player
y véncelos.
‣ Niveles: usa tu mente para resolver cada nivel eliminando todas las casillas..

<b>Funciones principales:</b>

★ Modo multijugador para 4 jugadore
s oen the same deviceel mismo dispositivo
★ 70+ unique levels
★ 10+ numeral systems
★ Completely free
★ No Ads
★ Multiple languages
★ Minimalist design and dark mode
veles únicos
★ 10+ sistemas numéricos
★ Totalmente Gratis
★ Sin Anuncios
★ Muchos idiomas
★ Diseño minimalista y modo oscuro


Las reglas pueden parecer complicadas a primera vista, pero no lo son.

¡De todas formas, la mejor manera de aprender es jugando! El modo “niveles” es un buen lugar en el que comenzar.

1. Tú eres la casilla roja en un tablero cuadrado.

2. Desliza horizontal o verticalmente para moverte.

3. Cuando te mueves reduces el valor de las casillas en la dirección en la que vas.

- La cantidad de esta reducción es igual al valor inicial de la casilla.

- Pero si el valor de una casilla fuera igual a 1 o 2, habría un aumento en lugar de una reducción.

- Los números negativos se convierten en positivos.

-Si el valor de una casilla se convierte en cero, el valor inicial también se convierte en 0. Las casilla se han “Eliminado”.

4. Ganas antos puntos como el valor de las casillas eliminadas.

5. El objetivo es eliminar casi todas las casillas intentando conseguir el mayor número de puntos.

6. En partidas multijugador un jugador puede ganar eliminando la casilla de un oponente.
a year ago
User avatar deleted-89

New translation

Zoysii / MetadataSpanish

* 7 new levels
* Local multiplayer
* Update translations
* Bug fixes
* 7 nuevos niveles
* Multijugador local
* Traducciones actualizadas
* Correción de bugs
a year ago
User avatar deleted-89

New contributor

Zoysii / MetadataSpanish

New contributor a year ago
User avatar deepdaikon

New translation

Zoysii / MetadataSpanish

* Update translations
* Bug fixes
* Actualizar las traducciones
* Solución de errores
2 years ago
User avatar None

New string to translate

Zoysii / MetadataSpanish

New string to translate 2 years ago
User avatar None

Resource update

Zoysii / MetadataSpanish

Resource update 2 years ago
User avatar deepdaikon

Suggestion accepted

Zoysii / MetadataSpanish

Zoysii - Logic game
Zoysii - Logic gameJuego de lógica
2 years ago
User avatar None

Suggestion added

Zoysii / MetadataSpanish

Zoysii - Logic game
Zoysii - Juego de lógica
2 years ago
Browse all translation changes


Percent Strings Words Chars
Total 18 488 2,595
Translated 100% 18 488 2,595
Needs editing 0% 0 0 0
Failing checks 0% 0 0 0

Last activity

Last change April 21, 2023, 5:16 p.m.
Last author Deleted User

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